Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Best Family I could Get!

Im raised  in the best house anyone could ever have. Everybody would say that they have the best family but I'm going to stop them and tell them to come and have a look at my family.
I'm not saying we are perfect but I'm sure we are one of the best!
First let me introduce my family. The king of the house of course is my dad, then here comes his only queen; my mum. My older brother who is the family consultant comes next.  Then here I come, and after me, my two young brothers.
Why do I think we are the best?
Because we are raised as Muslims and my parents taught us to respect other religions and different cultures. We are also taught to love and care about everybody especially our family.
My parents wouldn't do anything without asking our opinion first before doing anything, and if we didn't like it, they would ask us for the reason behind that. They discuss the issue with us and try to convince us!
My dad respects us all, especially my mum. My dad doesn’t treat her as a maid but a queen in the house.
The best thing I love about my family is that we have to meet every night to talk about our day and what we did in it. We also have a family meal together. Dinner is not our only meal together; we have all meals together unless someone is busy so he or she is excused to leave.
My older brother is studying abroad, so every Sunday we all talk to him in the internet. It's something we all have to do even the housemaid.
Our housemaid even loves staying in my house because we respect her and treat her very well. That’s why she never complains about us.
That is how my parents raised us; to help each other and take care of each other and "I pray to god to never separate us.
Every weekend we do lots of family activities together. We go for a picnic or we go out for dinner or anything. Sometimes we go with my cousins all of us together and that’s really fun!
Im not exaggerating I'm only saying the truth and that what I've been raised for and what I wrote is nothing comparing to what you'll see.