Sunday, October 31, 2010

pros and cons of the blogspot

Weblog is a very useful in education and as a diary.
every student in the world knows a bout weblog and it is an easy way to connect with writing teachers.
The weblog has advanteges even well disadvanteges. In this essay i would love to write about the pros and cons of weblog.

I would love to start with the adventeges. Firstly, weblog is one of the best ways of improving my writing skills because I write continualy and I receive comments that i learn from so I dont need any tutore in writing!
And I enjoy reading others weblog because some people write about their problems and I love helping people in solving them and its a easy way form me to express my feeling.Moreover, its atrative because you can uplod music and pictures and other things.
In every plus there is a minuse. First of all some pople get addected so it can isolate you and reduse the commnication with your family members what can be really bad. Some people dont have manures, they put bad comments that may hurt peoples feeling.

To sum up, I dont find weblog is a bad thing but some people do. Hope everybody write a lot because its useful.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Yesterday I saw a huge fight between two guys it was soooo scary and the fight was about a ridicules thing. They started hitting each other and the blood was everywhere.
i don't know why guys like fighting for stupid resone and its not necessary. They should talk in logically and solve it without any fight and everyone leave satisfied.
The place was crowded and people are watching instead of stopping till one of the guys fall of and the police came to stop them. the guy who fall went to the hospital but the other one went to the police station.
I think they should put him in jail because the other person could of died because of him!
And everybody should solve their problems without a fight!
If anyone saw a fight should stop it not sit and watch as if there's something funny to watch because if one of them past away we'll feel bad about it and we wont forgive our selves.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Speaking Test

After one hour exactly I have a speaking test, well I'm really nervous about it and worried because I'm not good in communicating with TEACHERS because I always don't pick the right words. In real world I'm good in speaking but when I come to know its a test I get scared and nervous and I don't know what to say and screw up. sometimes it get to a point I want to scream and get out!
But in the end its my markes and if I ran away I will fail so i better be calm and take a deep breath and let it out and be sooo confertable and confident.
I'm going to take my test now wish me luck!!